Hi guys!! This is a blog made by a bored, gay malaysian dude in UK. Join me in my attempts of balancing out my life while enjoying a few amateurish web-comic and hopefully some arts and crafts along the way =D . Feel free to drop me an email =3

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Skiing skiing

As I said I am now trying out skiing in France (French Alps ppl!) for the first time in my life. 

The first two days was torture I tell you. Torture. It much more painful than I thought. For the Malaysians out there, have you guys try skating? Did you guys complained about the skate boots being too tight? 

Well. This is ten times as worse. And I am skiing for five days. So imagine my horror the moment I fit my legs into the shoes as I can foresee myself limping for many weeks to come.

You start learning how to stop and snow plow AKA brake to your hearts content. However it's taxing to the knee so you have your legs being wobbly after a day's worth of hard work. 

I hav to say if anyone of you are going to ski do buy paddings for your tibial (front of your calfs) called tibial protector. I can't be bother to explain. But please heed my warning. 

Anyways, you started to get the basics, you really start to appreciate harder, scarier tracks. 

As you progress through the slopes, it gets harder and harder. It gets longer and longer. I actually had to ski through a track for one and half hours. It's no longer just your legs screaming, it's your brain, as you have to concentrate while skiing around the white steep mountains. 

And when u reach the bottom, you will b like whoa, did I really just skied that slope? It was a satisfying and proud moment. 

The sad thing is i can't really take photos to scare bear. Hehe. But I really hav fun and I really recommend all the speed demons to try it out. 

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